Friday, December 16, 2005

FREE Chicken Recipes Cook Book for the Holidays

Before you cook some chicken from the 300 chicken recipes book, What do you say we look at some chicken jokes.

Q. When Fruit Comes From A Fruit Tree, What Kind Of Tree Does Chicken Come From?
A. A Poul-Tree.

Q. Which Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg?
A. Neither, The Rooster.

Q. Why Did The Chicken Cross To The Middle Of The Road?
A. She Wanted To Lay It On The Line.

Q. Why Did The Blonde Bake A Chicken For 3 And A Half Days?
A. It Said Cook It For Half An Hour Per Pound, And She Weighed 125.

In this season of giving, has decided to give away one of our many ebooks from our elibrary. If you are looking for ideas to cook your chickens, you will never be wanting with these selections! Happy Holidays and Merry Wishes for Christmas!